Sneham 2016

Sneham 2016 was organised by Alumni as their Friendship Day celebration at KTCT Girls Higher Secondary School on Saturday, the 13th August 2016 from 10am to 2pm. All the friends were bound by the friendship band. The chief guest for the event was Mr. Mannar Udaykumar, Trustee, SKPD Charities & Correspondent and KTCT Higher Secondary School and the Guest of Honour was Mrs. Padmavathy, Headmistress.

After the invocation, The Vice President Mrs. N. Padmalatha, welcomed the gathering and wished everybody a very happy and long friendship for very many years to come. The activity report was presented by the secretary, Latha Balaji. The vote of thanks was delivered by the treasurer, Mrs. Banu Subramaniam.

The Chief Guest, Mr. Mannar Udaykumar addressed the gathering and appreciated the phenomenal work for very many years to come. Guest of Honor, Headmistress Mrs. Padmavathy was also very happy with the way alumni is bonding within themselves and also with the school and that they are the role models for the present students and that all the activities of the alumni is making a great impact on the school.

This year the President Mrs. Mallika Devi and Team did not want to charge the tickets and the made the entry free. There was a huge turnout of our junior members of the Alumni. The hall was filled with young and old alike.

There was a lots of fun events like ek minute games, on the spot surprises etc., the three prizes in the lucky draw were bagged by the college students. Navvula Karivillu was enthralling and everybody enjoyed it thoroughly and the prize winners were Mrs. C. Sukumari, Mrs. Lalitha Sudhakar and Ms. Shivani.

The american auction was also well appreciated and the silver articles was sponsored by Mrs. Padmavathy and it was won by Mrs. Malathi.

Young Talent, the child prodigy/scientist Master Sharvan, aged 12, from 7th std of Maharishi Vidya Mandir Senior Secondary School was honored for his genius invention of a walking stick with a sensor which makes the visually challenged comfortably maneuver easily and safely in traffic. Housie Housie was well appreciated and played by the audience

There were stalls put up by various students and also women entrepreneurs who displayed their handicrafts. The event ended with a sumptuous lunch. Sneham was reinforced ans friends had a wonderful and memorable time.