Sneham 2014

SNEHAM 2014 was celebrated at PRCC Centenary Hall on Wednesday, the 6th August 2014 from 10 AM to 2 PM on the occasion of International Friendship Day. All the friends were bound by the friendship bands. The chief guests for the event were the debutant Director & Writer, Sai Gokul Ramnath of Forthcoming film, Vaaliba Raja and Silver & Small Screen fame and Social worker, Ms. Neelima Rani.

The President, Mrs. Sujatha Ramesh Babu, welcomed the gathering and wished everybody a very happy and long friendship for very many years to come. Their live project, “CHANGE FOR A CHANGE” was again reminded to the audience that their small change will make a big change in somebody’s lives. All the members contributed their small change generously.  The School Headmistress, Mrs. Chenchu Lakshmi was welcomed to the Alumni as a Honorary Patron. The vote of thanks was delivered by Jt. Secretary, Mrs. Banu Subramaniam.

The Chief Guests, Sai Gokul and Neelima had a face to face with the audience where women asked them about their work and the opportunities in the media for people etc., After that, there were lots of fun events for the audience like, puzzles, quiz, mindbender, punch dialogues etc., The grand finale was BFF – Best Friends Forever contest for friends where they got to dance for a number and give a message for friendship. There were three rounds namely – coordination round, Understanding and consistency round and the at the end of it one friends team was adjudged as winners. They were crowned and titled as Best friends forever with memento and gifts.

There was an auction of a sliver article which was generously donated by the Secretary, Philanthropist Mrs. Mallika Devi and the proceeds were to be given to the after school snacks for KTCT Girls Higher Secondary School.

There were lots of fun events and the women strengthened their friendship. There were stalls put up by various women entrepreneurs and displayed their handicrafts. Malabar Gold and Oriflame also participated in the event. The event ended with a sumptuous lunch.

The committee members present were, Vice President, Mrs. Padmalatha, Treasurer, Mrs. Sharmila Kishore, Jt. Treasurer, Mrs. Sarala Balaji, Advisory, Mrs. Srilakshmi Mohan Rao, Mrs. Meera Sekar, Dr. (Mrs.) Mohanasree, Mrs. Anila, Mrs. Leela, Mrs. Sunitha Jagadish, Executive Committee, Mrs. Audilakshmi, Mrs. Haritha, Mrs. Padmavathy.