Children’s Day 2018

Greetings from your loving pal Leela Rani !!!

“There are somethings, that we cannot buy, one of such thing is our childhood”

To enjoy the spirit of children’s day the alumni members joined together at KTCT girls higher secondary school Auditorium on 5 November 2018 at 1 PM.

The enthusiasm of the Young children infected Us too. The child within us started enjoying. Alumni conducted variety of competitions to bring out the innate talents of our KTCTians. They all made us Awestruck With their performances. We were spellbound by the huge participation in various competitions, Alumni applauded and saluted their spirit.

The children were divided into three groups namely juniors, seniors, super seniors so that a large number of participants would have the chance to win.

Our committee members conducted interesting games for our school teachers too, all of them enjoyed and participated with zeal and the child within was pampered.

Every year our alumni supports deserving children through educational adoption programme called “Project BAALIKA’ this year also Alumni found 10 children and
helped them to pursue their education uninterruptedly, this gave a hope to the children “lack of money can’t stop their education and growth”.

This great encouragement is the highlight and motive of our children’s day celebrations.

We thank our Headmistress M. Padmavathy for giving us this opportunity.

Alumni also supports school on students BHAVISHYATHNIRMANA YAGNAM by sponsoring snacks for the children of 10th, 11th and 12th who stay back long evening hours for coaching classes, this small gesture makes them energise and concentrate on their studies and reach higher goals. This year Alumni sponsored Rs.12,000 for this project.

Children were given Bhagavad-Gita, sweet and savoury on the occasion of children’s day. Our members are very much interested and willing to give back the least possible to the school which moulded them what they are today. Bravo !!! and kudos !!! all the members who made this day a memorable one. Once again we thank all the members who had helped us in both KIND and CASH. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you