

A dedication to my Mom and my Son Ever since I gave birth in July 2011, being asked “how is it being a mommy?” or “how is motherhood?” became a routine. I always came up with “wonderful n busy” or “great and tiring” or something like that. Yeah! I know ….its not just that. How

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School Life

Happiness, sadness and other emotions, or even love sick, we all can find in our school time. That’s why school life is the best time in human life. It is different from university life and adult life, very different! As I showed you above, during this time, we will develop many things like physical development,

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The ABCs of Friendship

All is well!Be there!Care for them!Deserve their love!Expect nothing!Forgive!Guide them!Have trust!Initiate bonding!Joy is for sharing!Kind words do the trick!Life is a merry-go-round!Motivate them with good deeds!Never be rude!Open up!Power of friendship!Quintessential!Run to help but not to judge!Share!Together you can!Unearth the potential!Voice your opinion!Wean off bad habits!X plain your motives!Your friendship matters!Zip your lips when told a

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The Joy of Living

Sometimes, we need to remind ourselves that nothing in life is more important than being happy. When we were children, we had the gaiety which accompanies an innocent and carefree mind. We could giggle at our own mistakes and laugh away those of others. Somewhere along the process of growing up and taking on responsibilities,

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